• Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
  • Time:
    1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Branch: Sooke
  • Venue:
  • Audience: ,

Program description: We humans have a fascinating relationship with clothing and have become disconnected from the knowledge of where our clothing and textiles come from. Shayna will offer a look at the important social history of clothing and fibre and its environmental impact. She will bring in samples of fibre and discuss how they differ. How does sheep fibre differ from alpaca or llama, for example? She will also provide some fibre prep tools for a hands-on experience of how fibre becomes thread, yarn, and then cloth.

Program Leader: Shayna Chamitoff

Shayna Chamitoff is a master spinner and knitter and also has experience with weaving and natural dyeing. She is a supporter of the Vancouver Island Fibreshed, part of the Fibreshed International movement.

Number of sessions: 1

Dates and time of session: February 11, 1:30 – 3:00pm

Program Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room

To register, please make your request to Sooke Region Lifelong Learning by email: sookeregionlifelonglearning@gmail.com 

Sooke Region Lifelong Learning is a volunteer organization offering educational programs and workshops for adults in the Sooke region. Based on the Elder College model, we provide stimulating and enjoyable learning environments which address the unique and diverse interests of participants.