4 result(s) found.
Auto Repair Source
Auto Repair Source provides service and repair information for thousands of vehicles, from 1974 to the present. The database includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labour estimates, service bulletins and recalls, and more. All content comes from the original equipment manufacturers (OEM).
Access: VIRL cardholders from anywhere; non-cardholders in branch only
Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports provides trusted ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
Subjects include:
- Appliances
- Cars
- Babies and kids
- Health, fitness and food
- Home and garden
- Money
Access: VIRL cardholders from anywhere; non-cardholders in branch only
Small Engine Repair Source
Online tool for small engine repair assistance, including: ATVs, commercial mowers, farm tractors, generators, motorcycles, marine (boats), outdoor power equipment, PWC (personal watercraft/jet ski), snow blowers, snowmobiles, tillers and other small engines.
Access: VIRL cardholders from anywhere; non-cardholders in branch only
Vehicle Safety & Inspection Standards Online (in-branch only)
Provides current access to vehicle safety and inspection standards and related BC legislation from official sources.
Access: Available in branch on library computers or WiFi