7 result(s) found.
Ancestry Library Edition
Genealogy collection including census, vital, church, court, and immigration records from the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom. This database is available in-branch only, at a public workstation or when connected to VIRL WiFi.
Access: In branch only

BC Historical Newspapers
Great for students, researchers, and genealogists, Proquest BC Historical Newspapers includes:
The Vancouver Sun (1912–2010)
The Times–Colonist (1884–2010)
The Province (1894–2010)
Access: Available to anyone in BC and Yukon, no library card required

Canadian Newsstream
Full text access to over 500 BC and Canadian newspapers. Titles include the Vancouver Sun, The Province, Times Colonist, Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, and Winnipeg Free Press. Content for some titles starts from the 1970s. Canadian Newsstream is updated daily.
For older issues of The Times Colonist, Province, and Vancouver Sun, please see BC Historical Newspapers
Access: VIRL resident cardholders from anywhere; non-cardholders in branch only

First Voices Language Archive
Thousands of text entries in many diverse Aboriginal writing systems, enhanced with sounds, pictures, and videos.
Access: Available to anyone anywhere

Indigenous People of North America
Indigenous Peoples: North America sources collections from across Canadian and American institutions, providing insight into the cultural, political and social history of Native Peoples from the seventeenth into the twentieth century.
Access: Anyone from anywhere in BC

Points to the Past
Points to the Past is your gateway to a world-class collection of primary sources, made up of nearly 200 million pages of digitized historical content – maps, photos, newspapers, manuscripts, pamphlets, portraits, and much more. Includes historical newspaper collections from 17th & 18th centuries; archives for the Economist, Punch, the Times of London, the Times Literary Supplement, and more; collections from Associated Press, the British Library, and the Smithsonian.
For a complete list of available collections, please review the Points to the Past One-Page Flyer.
Available to anyone anywhere in BC

Xwi7xwa Library
Xwi7xwa Library is a centre for academic and community Indigenous scholarship at the University of British Columbia. Its collections and services reflect Aboriginal approaches to teaching, learning, and research. Access archival material, research guides and more online at Xwi7xwa Library.
Access: Available to anyone anywhere, limited access