• Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
  • Time:
    1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Branch: Sooke
  • Venue:
  • Audience: ,

Program description:

Who would speak for you if you couldn’t speak for yourself? In session one, we focus on the crucial first step of having meaningful conversations with loved ones and trusted individuals who may act on your behalf in a healthcare setting. Through interactive activities and real-life scenarios, gain confidence in engaging in these important discussions. After the conversations, it’s time to get the paperwork in order in session two, and we’ll look at the documents and legal requirements in BC, including Representation Agreements, Advance Directives, and Powers of Attorney. Learn about the legal requirements and steps to take when formalizing your plans. Please note that these sessions are not a substitute for professional advice.

Program Leader: Vicki Dolling

Vicki Dolling is a public librarian with more than 30 years of experience in the medical field. She has worked as a clinical medical librarian, patient advocate, and end-of-life educator, helping patients and families navigate medical information and services.

Number of sessions: 2

Dates and time of session: Thursdays, February 20 and 27, 1:30 – 3:00pm

Program Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room

To register, please make your request to Sooke Region Lifelong Learning by email: sookeregionlifelonglearning@gmail.com 

Sooke Region Lifelong Learning is a volunteer organization offering educational programs and workshops for adults in the Sooke region. Based on the Elder College model, we provide stimulating and enjoyable learning environments which address the unique and diverse interests of participants.