The My Account button in the top right hand corner of the page is your gateway to managing your Library account. A VIRL account is available to all Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) card holders and is the place to manage your personal account.

To view your account, click on My Account button on any page of the website and enter your user name or barcode and PIN number. Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a 4 digit code unique to you. The default for this is usually the last 4 digits of your telephone number. You can reset your PIN at the following link, using your library card number:

PIN Reset

What can I do in my account?

  • Check the status of your account
  • Track library materials on hold
  • See a list of materials you have borrowed
  • Place holds on items you want to borrow
  • Renew items currently checked out
  • Edit your email address
  • Update your preferred branch
  • Monitor your fines

For more help with accessing our catalogue visit our Catalogue Tips page.