Trudy’s Rock Story

October 8, 2019

Trudy’s Rock Story, which includes illustrations by Jessika von Innerebner, teaches kids what to do with their anger. It’s about a girl who – instead of lashing out – goes for a walk, finds a rock and diverts her negative energy into the rock, which she later buries as a way of letting go of her anger. Trudy was a delight to have to share First Nations ways of knowing with the Sooke community and made each child feel loved and safe by providing each of them with their very own healing stone to take home and trust in forever.“There are so many children who don’t know what to do with their anger. They don’t know who to talk to or they don’t want to talk to someone so they use angry actions,” said Spiller, a member of the Gitxsan First Nation.

After retelling stories of her childhood and the origin of her healing stone, Trudy also displayed hide from many different animals her family has preserved throughout the years. She taught the group how to respectfully touch the hide, and why each animal was significant. The children loved being able to guess which hide belonged to which animal!

A true testament to her work, Trudy’s event was one of the highest attended programs at the Sooke Library to date. You can reserve Trudy’s Healing Stone & Trudy’s Rock Story with us.

We graciously thank our partners for this event:

including Sooke Region Literacy Project, Edward Milne Community School Society, and Medicine Wheel Education