NoveList New Year

Many of us have New Year’s resolutions to exercise, quit smoking, or…read more novels. To find new books that remind you of old favourites or to learn about a new genre, try NoveList!

NoveList is an eResource for book recommendations.  It can be used to find new reads several different ways:

  • Readalikes: search for a book you enjoyed, then click the “Readalikes” button to get a list of similar books
  • Genre: Browse recommended books by genre, or use the keyword search to describe the type of books you like
  • Appeal Terms: Choose what appeals to you most in a book to create a personalized “appeal mix”. Perhaps you like books with complex characters and a candid writing style, or intricately plotted books with an action-packed storyline?  Use the drop-down options to find the right mix for you

Once you’ve found the right book, search the library collection with one click.

Want the young people in your life to read more in 2022?  The “Kids” and “Teens” sections have many engaging, popular reads.

Many library staff use NoveList to help find novels for our customers, so if you’ve asked us for a recommendation, NoveList may have already helped you find a great read!