Woss Customer Appreciation Day and Official Opening Celebration

September 9, 2022


It’s been almost two years since the doors opened on the new library in the tiny village of Woss. For people in the community, the opportunity to officially celebrate this momentous occasion was thwarted by COVID-19 restrictions. Now, the restrictions have been lifted, and the time has finally come for the community to get the celebration it deserves.

“I couldn’t be happier for Woss to have such a lovely little library, and to now have the chance to celebrate its importance to the community,” says Laura Kaminker, Library Manager for Woss and four other North Island branches. “This community celebration is a great opportunity to acknowledge how much we appreciate everyone who uses the library for so many diverse and wonderful reasons.”

“For the Board of Trustees, it is important to see our rural and remote communities receive equitable library service and spaces, just like our larger centres,” says Board Chair, Gaby Wickstrom. “As a fellow North Islander, I know how much community means to all of us, and I believe the library in Woss is the heart of this town. It’s been a long time coming, but I cannot wait for this overdue celebration!”

Everyone is invited to the (still) new Woss branch of Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) on Saturday, September 24 for an afternoon of author readings, food and refreshments, face painting, children’s songs, speeches, refreshments and more.

The fun starts at 11:30 am with music, followed by renowned local author, Yvonne Maximchuk, reading from her latest book, Murder Rides a Gale Force Wind. Starting at around 1:30 pm, there will be children’s singalong, face painting, balloon animals, and a BBQ from the locally owned and newly opened Shot in the Dark restaurant.

The festivities will conclude with speeches and more activities for people of every age. More information is available at https://virl.bc.ca/event/customer-appreciation-day/.

A similar community appreciation day celebration is also planned to celebrate the recently completed refurbishment of the Port Alice branch on Tuesday, September 20, starting at 3pm. More information is available here: https://virl.bc.ca/event/customer-appreciation-night/

Media Contact

David Carson, Director, Corporate Communications