VIRL shows our love for LGBTQ2+ during Library Month

October 1, 2018

October is Library Month at Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL). To celebrate, VIRL is showing its love for our LGBTQ2+ community by offering exciting programming, new LGBTQ2+ reading lists for people of every age, and a Safe Space sticker campaign designed to encourage welcoming and inclusive spaces throughout our communities.

“Libraries have always been open and welcoming,” says VIRL’s Executive Director, Rosemary Bonanno. “One of the many ways we can help foster an inclusive and open society is by inviting members of our LGBTQ2+ community into our libraries to help destigmatize perceptions about what it means to be LGBTQ2+ in Canada today. What we’re saying with this campaign is ‘come on in, and be yourself here.’”

From Drag Queen Storytimes to streaming movies, reading lists to interacting with other members of your community, the month promises to offer programming, resources, and opportunities that celebrate and embrace our diversity.

Visit any of our libraries between October 1 – 31 to take part in the fun.

More information is available on our website at, or by visiting any VIRL branch.

For more information
David Carson, Director, Corporate Communications and Strategic Initiatives
Direct: 250.753.1154 ex 248
Cell: 250.327.3651