Updated Parksville Library Set to Reopen!

February 4, 2019 | Parksville


Parksville, BC: Exciting improvements to the Parksville branch of Vancouver Island Regional Library are nearing completion. On Thursday, February 7, the branch will reopen after being closed for a month for an aesthetic makeover.

“We’re thrilled to be reopening this important community hub,” says VIRL’s Executive Director Rosemary Bonanno.  “The enhancements make the Parksville branch a much more comfortable, user-friendly, and dynamic space. I would like to thank everybody in the community for their patience and understanding during the closure.”

The Parksville library now has the following improved features and amenities:

  • New flooring
  • New paintjob
  • New lounge area with fireplace
  • Replaced furniture throughout the branch
  • Upgraded public computers
  • New Circulation Desk
  • New book drop

The total budget for this project was approximately $150 thousand, with $40 thousand supplied by the City of Parksville for the new flooring. The budget included all aspects of the work noted above.

When it reopens on February 7, the branch returns to its regular hours of operation and staffing levels.

VIRL is currently planning a celebration in the coming weeks. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

For more Information

David Carson
Director, Corporate Communications and Strategic Initiatives
250.753.1154 ex 248
Cell: 250.327.3651