2 result(s) found.
Kanopy is a video streaming platform for libraries with one of the largest and most unique collections in the world. It features more than 26,000 movies, documentaries, and indie and foreign films from hundreds of producers, including The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, Kino Lorber, PBS and thousands of independent filmmakers. Browse by subjects to explore and expand your interests.
Kanopy is not compatible with Android OS 7.1.0 or older.
Each library member receives ten checkouts (play credits) and two Great Courses per month. Kanopy Kids requires no play credits. VIRL also offers four PLUS Packs that do not use monthly credits: British Cinema and TV, Episodic Content, Favourites, Documentaries
Access: VIRL cardholders from anywhere
You can also stream direct to your Smart TV. Sign up through the library first and then follow these instructions.

Knowledge Network
Knowledge Network, is a Canadian publicly funded educational cable television network serving the province of British Columbia. The station supports lifelong learning for children and adults by providing quality, commercial-free programming through its broadcast channel, websites and apps. Knowledge Network also invests in documentaries and children’s programs produced by independent filmmakers with more than 40% of their programming budget supporting original stories told by BC and Canadian filmmakers. Download their app and stream their content for free!
Access: Available to anyone anywhere