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The Creativity Commons is available at the Harbourfront Branch and is available to Vancouver Island Regional Library members who:

  • Have an active Vancouver Island Regional Library membership
  • Valid photo ID (e.g. BC ID, Driver’s License, Student ID, etc.)
  • 13 years of age and older. Users under 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
  • A completed creativity commons waiver.

Creativity Commons User Agreement

I agree to comply with the following Vancouver Island Regional Library Policies:

  • Code of Conduct
  • I accept full responsibility for the space, equipment that I book during my session.
  • I understand that I am responsible for the cost of repairs, replacements or cleaning of the space if damaged or equipment is missing.
  • I understand that replacement charges or large overdue fines will result in my library privileges being limited.
  • I understand that the Creativity Commons computers are reserved for digital media projects and are not available for general computer use. (i.e. Email, internet browsing and social media)
  • I understand that that the equipment in the Creativity Commons will be used for lawful purposes and not to create physical and digital content that is:
    • Prohibited by provincial or federal law
    • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well being of others.
    • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights.
  • I understand that I am permitted to have covered beverage containers while using the Creativity Commons equipment and I will not bring open beverage containers or food while using the equipment.
  • As per the library internet use policy, anyone who willfully abuses or damages any computer or software will have their Library privileges suspended and will be legally and financially responsible for damages.
  • I will leave the room, equipment or space in the same condition that it was in at the beginning of my booking.
  • I accept all risks and responsibilities when using equipment, and understand the Vancouver Island Regional Library is not responsible for damage or loss of personal belongings or equipment.