Calling all youth writers and writers-to-be!
We want your most spooky stories for this Halloween season. The most terrifying submissions in each age category will win a prize gift basket that includes your very own copy of the Terrifying Tales anthology.
Submit your story online using this form by 5 pm on Friday, October 18th. Online submissions only.
Contest details:
- Contest will run September 16 to October 18.
- Three age categories: 8-10, 11-14, 15-18.
- One entry per person, it must be your original story of up to 800 words.
- Contest will be held at branches in the Strathcona Regional District
Winning stories will be announced on October 31st. All submissions will be compiled into a book! Copies will be awarded to winners of each age category, and one copy will be catalogued and given to your local branch.