February 11th: Introduction to the World of Storytelling for Adults
Do you like listening to stories? Ever thought you might like to tell them to an adult audience? Experienced storytellers will show you the magic of storytelling. You will hear about the many kinds of stories there are, with examples, as well as where you can find them for yourself.
Telling and listening to stories is more than child’s play! And it can carry you to the ends of the earth and back, without ever leaving your chair.
February 25th: Introduction to Telling Stories for Adults
What do you need to do to prepare to tell a story, any kind of story, to an audience of adults? Experienced tellers and coaches will take you through the steps from finding a story, preparing and practising it and then sharing it with an audience. Don’t be scared … sharing the stories we like with an audience of people who love stories is a joyful and satisfying adventure, and you will learn enough in this workshop to begin the journey. You will be in good hands. Fear not!
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