CELPIP Speaking Pro will give you in-depth preparation for the Speaking components of the CELPIP Test.
Speaking Pro features in-depth explanations of the CELPIP Speaking Performance Standards, sample responses with instructor-guided analysis, multiple examples of questions for each Speaking task, and more.
Learn what the CELPIP Speaking Raters listen for when they rate your responses, analyze sample responses from actual test takers, practice responding to Speaking Tasks 1-4, and learn valuable tips specific to each Speaking Task.
Attendees will receive an online study product (CELPIP Accelerate – Reading and Writing – valued at $25 CAD) for free. This webinar is conducted live by a CELPIP Online Instructor and CELPIP expert. It is hosted by a coalition of nonprofits in Western Canada, including Surrey Libraries, the VIRL, Immigrant Services Calgary.
To register for the rest of this 6-part webinar series, please follow the links below: